Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mommy's Moody

So, I am in a mood today - not a bad mood, not a good mood; just a mood. This past week I have been waking up early to read the Bible for about a half an hour. Well, with my husband leaving for DR in the middle of the night and with the crazy busy week I had I was exhausted and in my prayers kind of told God that I was going to "skip" this morning. Well, as a result, Bean slept until 7:45 (Praise the Lord because he never sleeps that late anymore). So, I was able to get some needed sleep, but my mood has defintely suffered from it. I did not get to wake up with Christ pleasing mood that I had so loved this past week. Not to mention that I haven't wanted to read anything today at all - not my Bible or my books! I have no desire today - I feel very lazy.
So, not that I want to ramble on about this, but I continue to be convicted of this and I know that this is an area in which changes are needed. So, please pray that I have the desire even on my most tired mornings.

Bean does like to keep my spirits up, however. I took this last night. He is just too precious. The clip is a couple of minutes long, but he is playing with his cars and then he begins to count them. He is only two and he is counting...I love it!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Long, Meaningful, and on!

I am doing a study with a group of women friends of mine on the book Becoming a Woman Who Pleases God, by Pat Ennis and Lisa Tatlock. This book has been very enlightening and encouraging. I know that it has helped each one of us in different areas in which we struggle. We just finished reading the chapter The Wise Woman Creates a Gracious Home and I became very convicted. There are many areas where I need to be more prudent. First we had discussed proper etiquette; using the correct cutlery, bringing the hostess a hostess gift, responding to an RSVP, and sending out thank you cards (something I rarely do!). But the parts of the chapter that really touched my soul was the latter part of the chapter. There is a poem and a tale that I will be including in this blog that you should find interesting. However, here are some question and thoughts that came to mind while reading and meditating:

1. When I am frustrated with it because he doesn't understand me and am I asking too much of him?
2. Do I get easily frustrated when I am in the middle of something or if I need to complete something and I am interrupted? Usually this interruption is by Bean, but sometimes by Rock and I am learning that we only live this stage ONE time in out lives....WELCOME the interruptions.
3. Children should never feel as though they are bad, but that their behavior may need some altering. I have been doing pretty well with this one...when I am correcting Bean, I always tell him that his behavior is wrong or unacceptable. I try not to say "you are bad."
4. Words have an awesome effect - whether positive or negative - they can determine the attitude of one person's day. Stay positive and try to lift other's up. This will change your attitude as well!
5. God has a plan for us all....want to know it? Read His is right there in front of you!!! :)
6. Here is a quote from the author, "Many Christian women complain more frequently than they express gratitude - and they don't appear to realize what devastating effects their complaining has on their spiritual growth." VERY POWERFUL! Negative complaining IS a sin and the Bible directs us to give thanks for everything. (Ennis and Tatlock). "In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18 I challenge you - the next time something comes up that you weren't wanting - look up and praise God.

I know that I will be working on praising God more and complaining a lot less!!!
Here is the poem and tale....ENJOY!

"Only One Childhood," by Linda Ellis
"I stopped to watch my little girl
Busy playing in her room.
In one hand was a plastic phone;
In the other a toy broom.
I listened as she was speaking
To her make-believe little friend
And I'll never forget the words she said,
Even though it was pretend.
She said, "Suzie's in the corner
Cuz she's not been very good.
She didn't listen to a word I said
Or do the things she should."
In the corner I saw her baby doll
All dressed in lace and pink.
It was obvious she'd been put there
To sit alone and think.
My daughter continued her 'conversation,'
As I sat down on the floor.
She said, "I'm all fed up, I just don't know
What to do with her anymore.
"She whines whenever I have to work
And wants to play games too;
And never lets me do the things
That I just have to do."
"She tries to help me with the dishes,
But her arms just cannot reach
And she doesn't know how to fold the towels
And I don't have time to teach."
"I have a lot of work to do
And a big house to keep clean.
I don't have time to sit and play --
Don't you know what I mean?"
And that day I thought a lot about
Making some changes in my life;
As I listened to her innocent words
That cut me like a knife.
I hadn't been paying enough attention
To what I most hold dear.
I'd been caught up in responsibilities
That increased throughout the year.
But now my attitude has changed
Because, in my heart, I realize
I've seen the world in a different light
Through my little darling's eyes.
So, let the cobwebs have the corners
And the dust bunnies rule the floor,
I'm not going to worry about
Keeping up with them anymore.
I'm going to fill the house with memories
Of a child and her mother
For God grants us only ONE childhood,
And we will never get another."
The Tale of The Frogs

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. All the other frogs gathered around the pit. When they saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump out of the pit with all of their might. The group of frogs kept telling them to stop because they were as good as dead.
Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died. The second frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs kept yelling at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped harder and finally made it out. You see this frog was deaf, unable to hear what the other frogs were saying. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.
There is the power of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift him up and help him make it through the day. A destructive word to someone who is down can be what it takes to kill him. Be careful of what you say. Speak life to those who cross your path. The power of encouraging word can go such a long way. May your words be a blessing to someone today.
-- Author Unknown

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Update on Tree Removal

It has been an exciting week to say the least. Last Monday, we had a company here to remove the tree. They were very friendly and very good. His company is Mike's Tree Service and I would recommend him to anyone in need of tree service. Anyhow, they got the job down pretty quickly despite the need to have our electric company come out and cut the line down of electricity to our house. The tree had gotten tangled in the line and if the line would have snapped it could have caused a fire and would have electrocuted the workers.

We are very happy with the progress. We had a company come out and tarp our roof and insert temporary support beams on our porch. We are in the process of getting bids from different contractors. We have one in mind that we would love to get the job, but Rock and I aren't sure how much say we have in choosing the contractor. We would just like to have someone that we trust to get the job done correctly. are some updated pictures...Enjoy!