Monday, December 29, 2008 our house.

Have you ever had a tree fall in or on your house? It is not something that you typically see when you drive up your street. Yet, when we came home from church yesterday that is what we saw in our front yard. In a two hour span of time the wind had knocked over a tree and it fell on our house. We are very lucky and thankful though, because it could have been worse than it is. We are still able to stay in our home, no one was home when it happened and everything is covered under our insurance (so we were told). I will keep you posted throughout the week with the progress of the work. I will let the pictures tell the rest of the story...
Have a wonderful and blessed week and New Year!!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My News...

My exciting news....I put in my notice at work!!!! This is something that Rock and I (and our small group) have been praying about for months. I have been struggling with working full time. I haven't felt like I have been a Christ-pleasing wife or mother since I have started working full time. God is so faithful and his yes means yes and his no means no. With praying, I felt as though God had been telling me to be still - that he has something greater in store for me. He did. I wasn't even looking for a new job and he provided me with a part time job working closer to home only a couple of days a week! Praise God!!!! I am so excited to start this new chapter in my life. My prayer is that I can fully lead life how God desires me to. I truly want to become the Proverbs 31 woman.
Please pray for me as I begin this new chapter!!! Thank you!

Monday, December 15, 2008

God IS Faithful

What a wonderful God we have! He sees our hearts and hears our cries. I have exciting news to come this week. I am so excited to share. Look forward in the next couple of days for the details!!!
"1 O LORD, you have searched me and you know me 2You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar." Psalm 139

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Who Knew Corn Could Be Scary?

So, last night I gave Bean some peas and corn to eat for part of his dinner. As he was eating I was doing the dishes. He loves to eat peas and corn frozen! Kind of weird, I know. But, nonetheless, he eats his vegetables pretty well. Well, last night he wasn’t very hungry and he was just playing with his food. I looked over at him and he was rubbing his nose and was fussing over it. I walked over to him and noticed that he had a huge booger coming out of his nose. I grabbed a Kleenex and went to wipe his nose only to realize that it was corn! I grabbed it and pulled it out. He was breathing normal, so I thought he was fine. A couple minutes later, Rock was holding him and Bean says, “here mommy” and he hands me a piece of corn. That is now two pieces of corn that was in his nose. So, I lied him down on the couch and sure enough he had a third piece stuck up there! It was really lodged up there and I could not get it out. Fortunately we have great doctors and they took me first thing this morning – the Dr. even came in early for me. They got the corn out quickly with no problem. Bean was so scared. But, at least he is safe! Oh, Bean is so joyful! I do love him!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's Christmas Time...

I love this time of year. Growing up Christmas was always about being with family and traditions. Every year my dad would put up a huge train display that would take up the half of our living room. This is where our Christmas tree would be. My mom would decorate this tree with her nice ornaments and really spend a nice amount of time making it look perfect. We would also put up a smaller Christmas tree in the other living room. Some of you would call them a living room and a family room, but in our home we called them the front room and the back room because they both served the exact same purpose. Anyhow, this smaller tree would hold all of the kid’s homemade ornaments and we would put our gifts for one another under this tree. The other tree is where Santa would leave his gifts. My mom has a really authentic looking manger scene that she puts up yearly. My mom would take time to bake cookies throughout the month and she always made different types of breads, jelly’s or ornaments to give to others as gifts.

Another area about this time of year that I really get excited about is shopping. Those of you who know me know that I am not big into shopping just to shop and when I say that I love to go shopping this time of year, I mean that I really enjoy shopping for other people. I love to give gifts away. Each year we set a budget for who we are going to buy for and for how much. Months ahead of Christmas I am already thinking about what that person might need or want. So, when I find the perfect gift for them I am just thrilled. Now, we set a budget, but I almost always go over – if I find the perfect gift and it is only a couple of dollars more…than oh well…it is the perfect gift for that person! I love to give to people…if I could I would give our entire savings away. Now, yes, that can be foolish and that is why God gave me Rock - to remind me that if we give away all of our money than it will be a lot longer for me to be home with Bean.

It wasn’t until last year when I became a Christian that I really began to see the true meaning of the holiday. I have always had loving intentions and selfless acts during this holiday (not 100%), but rarely saw it as Jesus’ birthday. I knew that this was the reason we celebrated, but I focused more on Santa and giving the gifts away and not really taking the time to think why I wanted to give people gifts. Yes, I had very good intentions, but it has always been missing something. So, this year, before I went shopping on one of the craziest shopping days (yes – I enjoy this day) I prayed on my drive to the store that I would buy gifts that people needed or gifts that were Christ pleasing and that I wouldn’t spend our hard earned money on foolish items. Well, prayer is powerful because I don’t think I bought one thing that I regret. I put a lot of time and thought into what I was buying and I really hope that the receivers truly appreciate their gifts. I have vowed to make this holiday solely about my Savior and less about the secular needs and wants of the holiday. Won’t you join me?
Merry CHRISTmas!!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008


Have you ever had an A-ha moment?
I was driving home from work one day about two months ago with my son sitting in the back seat talking in his little gibberish way and I was just smiling at how cute he was. I then started to think…again…how unfair it was that I wasn’t able to be home with him and how I was missing out on so much. He is growing up so fast and I am missing a huge part of his life. There are many times I have felt sorry for myself because of this. This was one of those times.
As I looked up into the sky while driving I saw a white, puffy cloud with the sun peeping from behind -around the entire cloud. It really was a beautiful scene in the sky. Since I was driving on a highway I was able to view this scene for about ten minutes. My mind then started to think…the sun is so beautiful peeping out from behind that cloud. How much more beautiful is the sun when there is nothing to block it? It is gorgeous and inviting! My mind then started to move toward Christ. Is this not just like our Heavenly Father? God is so beautiful and perfect, yet how often do we let life bog us down and get in the way of God’s light? So often God wants to shine through us and we don’t let him. We place a big cloud right smack dab in the center!
I had a huge ugly cloud that was consuming my thoughts. On a daily basis I would pray and ask God why I couldn’t be home? Why are so many other women able to be home with their children, but not I? After all, aren’t women called to be workers at home? I truly felt that this was so unfair! I want to live that life! Why can’t I? This was my big ugly cloud.
So, I continued thinking that if removed my ugly cloud…just how beautiful would God’s light be that would shine through me to other people? Isn’t that why I am here…to be a disciple of God? To tell others the Good News? I have since then changed my attitude towards my desires. I now share my desires with God, but I also (humbly) tell him that His will is greater than my desires and that I want to be a part of His story. So, Lord, please create my life story: my marriage story, my motherhood story, my homeschooling story, my work story and I will submit to you whatever you ask of me. Whether I want to or not…God is in control and has a greater plan for me whether I know it or not. God is bigger than my life. I need to remember that – always!
So, I want to ask you, how much more beautiful would life be if we all removed our cloud that blocks His light and simply allow God to shine through our lives? Our lives would be what Christ desires for his children – a life living to solely glorify Him! What is your cloud? Can you remove it? Let’s pray….it is the BEST thing we all can do!

Sawee Mommy

Rock and I have done a total 180 with discipline in our home. We were basically disciplining Bean out of guilt since we aren’t home with him much. However, his attitude and behaviors were starting to show it.
We are trying to teach him manners; to say please and thank you and if he needs to, say sorry. Well, he is just so adorable. All weekend he would come over to me and just give me a hug and say, “sorry mommy!” What is even cuter is that his R’s don’t have a sound; Bean kind of skips over that sound in his words. At one point in the weekend I was correcting him and he looked me in the eye and just gave me a big fat wet kiss! How wonderful…even in my correction he still loves me so much. My heart just melted.
Those are the moments that I want to remember. Those are the moments that I am so thankful that I am a mom. I am so thankful that Rock and I were given Bean at the exact moment he came to us. God timed it perfectly…but then again He is God…He is Perfect!
Thank you God for Rock and Bean! I am so happy to be their wife and mom. Give me the strength to live daily for you and die to myself so that I can be a Christ-pleasing submissive wife and loving and disciplined mom!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

God's Presence is our Presents

Last year Rock and I were asked to go to a Marriage Encounter. Well, this weekend had completely changed our lives. Rock and I were able to talk to one another in areas of our life that we would have never discussed. This weekend exposes different ways to communicate with your spouse then your usual everyday discussions. During this time I knew that I needed to share with Rock some shameful issues that he did not yet know about me that were really affecting our marriage. Rock also found through this weekend that he needed to open up to me more as his wife. Throughout our communication with one another we both felt a presence front and center in our words and actions. One night something amazing happened. I was asked if I was saved and I had to finally admit that I didn’t know what being saved meant. I was able to have a conversation with an amazing couple about my beliefs. They explained to me who Jesus was and why he was my Savior. As we prayed I imagined that Jesus was sitting there holding my hands and hugging me instead of being some huge thing in the sky. The next morning while singing a song called Surrender I began to weep while reading the words. At that moment I could feel the Holy Spirit filling my body, heart and soul.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your won; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body."

I came to understand that Jesus and the Holy Spirit were there at work in mine and Rock’s lives. Their presence was very real before I even knew them. By the Grace of God, forgiveness was offered to me by Rock and our marriage was too, saved. I am very thankful for that time I got to spend with Rock, I am thankful for this couple who showed me the way to Eternal life with God, I am thankful for Marriage Encounter for offering this amazing weekend to reconnect with your spouse, and I am most thankful for Jesus Christ for dying for my sins and for calling me to be a part of His family.

Rock and I are now a part of the support team for Marriage Encounter and this past weekend we were able to witness God at work within other marriages helping them reconnect with one another. The Holy Spirit’s presence was there the entire weekend and was hard at work fighting off Satan who was trying to stop these couples from finding their love for each other. Many couples were able to come to Christ and many couples were able to save their marriage. Praise the Lord! Rock and I both look forward to the next Marriage Encounter where we can continue to serve our Lord in a way that is so precious to us. This is a ministry that my husband and I are really pouring our hearts into. This has become a passion and we encourage anyone who has not yet been to a Marriage Encounter to come!
Gifts are definitely fun to give as well as receive. Most people like to be on the end of receiving gifts. Well, take a deep breath because there is a gift that we can open day after day … Christ’s daily presence is our daily presents! Thank you Jesus!!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Rock and Bean

Some of you may be wondering who Rock and Bean are or if you know me why I chose those names. Well, another blogger friend of mine has chosen to use nicknames for her family for security/privacy reasons. I feel very strongly that this is a great idea. Unfortuately, we don't live in a very trusting society. So here is my family:

Rock is my husband and my strength. He is loving and trusting and forgiving. He has been there for me in more ways than I could mention in this blog. He keeps me optimistic, he lifts my spirits up (or chin up as he would call it) and he has his own passion for Christ and our family. I was created to be his helpmate; "The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him"(Genesis 2:18). So, that is what I am striving to be...his helper.

Bean is our fun little boy. He is two and just the greatest kid on the earth. His nickname is Bean because when he was born daddy thought that his head was shaped like a bean :) He is growing so fast and learning so much. His vocabulary has just exploded. He came to me and Rock as a surprise and a huge BLESSING! Rock and I both live for Christ, each other and Bean. We are complete in our oneness.

God is my Heavenly Father and my Saviour. My husband may be my Rock and strength and Bean may be my Blessing, but I would have nothing if it weren't for Christ dying for my sins. Christ loves me more than anyone here on earth. He gives me the daily breath that I need to fight through this sinful world. All is possible with the's a guarantee. I can't wait for the day when we all reside with the Lord in His New Earth!

My Full-Time's...

I have been thinking about starting to blog. Many people are doing it...but I wasn't sure what I would have to write about. However, the more I thought about it the more I thought there might be women out there who are struggling with the same battles as me. If I could at all help someone else with what I am learning then why wouldn't I want to share?!

So, here is my story/struggle. I am a full time worker outside of the home. I am a full time wife, a full time mother, a full time house keeper and most importantly a full time Christian. My struggle is that I do not know how to balance them all in my life. However, I need to learn because I can't do without any of those items. I can't decide to just up and quit my job, I can't choose to not clean my house, I can't give up on my husband or my son nor could I stop my relationship with my Lord and Savior who has blessed me to live this life. So, where does that leave me? In a funk. How do I go about having time every day to be there 100% for all of my full times? Well, one simple answer is, I pray about it. I have learned that I need to pray first thing in the morning. Give my day to God, who has graciously given me the day. I have not earned the day, I have not earned the right to live...Christ has given me these days. I need to make sure He is the one that I am thanking each day. I have been learning to wake up earlier to arrive at work earlier so that I can come home at an earlier time and that means more time with Bean. I am learning to juggle when I clean or tidy the house. After Bean goes to bed I try to make sure that I am sitting wherever my Rock to make sure that I have shoulder to shoulder time with my husband.

"Life is a learn as you go," John Michael Montgomery. The most important part of the dance though, is making sure Christ is at the center of all I do, think and say. "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith..." Hebrews 12:2