Last year Rock and I were asked to go to a Marriage Encounter. Well, this weekend had completely changed our lives. Rock and I were able to talk to one another in areas of our life that we would have never discussed. This weekend exposes different ways to communicate with your spouse then your usual everyday discussions. During this time I knew that I needed to share with Rock some shameful issues that he did not yet know about me that were really affecting our marriage. Rock also found through this weekend that he needed to open up to me more as his wife. Throughout our communication with one another we both felt a presence front and center in our words and actions. One night something amazing happened. I was asked if I was saved and I had to finally admit that I didn’t know what being saved meant. I was able to have a conversation with an amazing couple about my beliefs. They explained to me who Jesus was and why he was my Savior. As we prayed I imagined that Jesus was sitting there holding my hands and hugging me instead of being some huge thing in the sky. The next morning while singing a song called Surrender I began to weep while reading the words. At that moment I could feel the Holy Spirit filling my body, heart and soul.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your won; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body."
I came to understand that Jesus and the Holy Spirit were there at work in mine and Rock’s lives. Their presence was very real before I even knew them. By the Grace of God, forgiveness was offered to me by Rock and our marriage was too, saved. I am very thankful for that time I got to spend with Rock, I am thankful for this couple who showed me the way to Eternal life with God, I am thankful for Marriage Encounter for offering this amazing weekend to reconnect with your spouse, and I am most thankful for Jesus Christ for dying for my sins and for calling me to be a part of His family.
Rock and I are now a part of the support team for Marriage Encounter and this past weekend we were able to witness God at work within other marriages helping them reconnect with one another. The Holy Spirit’s presence was there the entire weekend and was hard at work fighting off Satan who was trying to stop these couples from finding their love for each other. Many couples were able to come to Christ and many couples were able to save their marriage. Praise the Lord! Rock and I both look forward to the next Marriage Encounter where we can continue to serve our Lord in a way that is so precious to us. This is a ministry that my husband and I are really pouring our hearts into. This has become a passion and we encourage anyone who has not yet been to a Marriage Encounter to come!
Gifts are definitely fun to give as well as receive. Most people like to be on the end of receiving gifts. Well, take a deep breath because there is a gift that we can open day after day … Christ’s daily presence is our daily presents! Thank you Jesus!!!!!